USED Time-Sert Tool Kit PN 0127, 1/8-27 (for fixing Oil Pressure Sending Unit Threads), - FINAL SALE/No Return - INSERTS NOT INCLUDED

USED Time-Sert Tool Kit PN 0127, 1/8-27 (for fixing Oil Pressure Sending Unit Threads), - FINAL SALE/No Return *This USED tool sale does NOT include any inserts.* This size is typically used to repair damaged threads in the case at the oil pressure sending unit.
Front Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1968-79 Type 2, Both Sides (Set of 4)

Front Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1968-79 Type 2, Both Sides (Set of 4) is the finest swaybar clamps available for your VW Bus! This is a set of 4 clamps to secure your swaybar to your front trailing arms TIGHTLY, no wiggle or play, just 100% performance! These are 10x easier to install than the stock ones!
Time-Sert Tool Rental Fee, 10 x 1.5mm (Engine Case Mounting Stud), 1015
Rental Fee $30.00 $100 Tool Core charged AT TIME OF SHIPMENT (refunded upon return per terms of service)

Time-Sert Tool Rental, 10 x 1.5mm (Engine Case Mounting Stud), 1015 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair damaged engine mounting studs that have stripped the engine case. Inserts purchased separately. Inserts NOT INCLUDED! The rental period for this kit is: ONE MONTH.
Time-Sert Tool Rental Fee, 6 x 1mm (Oil Drain Plate Studs), 1610
Rental Fee $30.00 $100 Tool Core charged AT TIME OF SHIPMENT (refunded upon return per terms of service)

Time-Sert Tool Rental, 6 x 1mm (Oil Drain Plate Studs), 1610 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair damaged intake and exhaust studs, as well as the small studs in the engine case. Inserts NOT INCLUDED! The rental period for this kit is: ONE MONTH.
Time-Sert Tool Rental Fee, 5/16-24 (Aftermarket Rocker Arm Valve Adjusting Screw), 0562
Rental Fee $30.00 $100 Tool Core charged AT TIME OF SHIPMENT (refunded upon return per terms of service)

Time-Sert Tool Rental, 5/16-24 (Aftermarket Rocker Arm Valve Adjusting Screw), 0562 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair damaged adjusting screws in aftermarket rocker arms. Time-Sert tool rental period is one month.
Wheel Bearing Race Driver Tool, Rental Fee
Rental Fee $20.00 $100 Tool Core charged AT TIME OF SHIPMENT (refunded upon return per terms of service)

Wheel Bearing Race Driver Tool, Rental is a really nice thing to have when you have to install some wheel bearing races into the brake drum or brake rotors. Using a drift can damage the race, then the wheel bearing goes bad quickly! This is easy! Simply find the driver that fits the bearing race, and then you can hit it pretty hard with a hammer to drive it in straight, true, and all the way seated! Kit comes with 10 different sizes of Drivers to fit most any bearing size.Then you can grease and install the bearing, and finish the job knowing it's done right!
Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1968-79 Type 2, One Side, 211-498-101A

Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1968-79 Type 2, One Side, 211-498-101A is a Bushing, Bolt, and pinch clamp to retain the sway bar to your front trailing arms ON ONE SIDE. You need 2 of these to do one car, but some don't need to do both.
Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1966+ Type 1 (Std Beetle and Ghia), BOTH Sides, 111-498-101A2

Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1966+ Type 1 (Std Beetle and Ghia), BOTH Sides, 111-498-101A2 is a set of rubber bushings, and pinch clamps to retain the sway bar to your front trailing arms. This is a pair to do both sides.
Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1949-65 Type 1 (Std Beetle and Ghia), One Side, 111-498-101

Sway Bar Clamp Kit, 1949-65 Type 1 (Std Beetle and Ghia), One Side, 111-498-101 is a set of rubber bushings, and pinch clamps to retain the sway bar to your front trailing arms ON ONE SIDE. You need 2 of these to do one car, but some don't need to do both.
Engine Lock Nut Kit, Type 1 Engines

This kit of Nylock Nuts (Nuts with a nylon insert, they are tough to put on and take off) will not vibrate loose!
Big-Sert (Time-Sert) Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 20mm Long, 50153
Price: $9.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Big-Sert (Time-Sert) Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 20mm Long, 50153 is the best thread repair kit available. This is typically used to repair cylinder head stud threads in engine cases, that have previously pulled a case-saver, the drilled hole is .484" (31/64"). Inserts are sold per EACH. Big-Sert is the over sized Time-Sert for repairs of repairs!
Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 24.5mm Long, EACH, 10155
Price: $4.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 24.5mm Long, EACH, 10155 is the insert for the 10 x 1.5mm Time-Sert when repairing damaged engine mounting studs that have stripped the engine case, to a better than new condition. Inserts are sold per EACH.Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!).Time-Sert inserts are solid, and also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and locks the insert into place without excessive Loctite needed. The repair process is to drill out the old threads, then use the shoulder cutting tool (To make room for the insert's shoulder on the top), tap the hole, then install the new insert. Hole will be repaired, and will be stronger and better than it was when it was new, due to the larger diameter holding power!
Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 5/16-24 x .620" Long, 05623
Price: $4.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 5/16-24 x .620" Long, 05623 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair Sig Erson or Gene Berg Rocker Arms, when the threads in the Adjusting Screw get buggered up. Inserts are sold per EACH.Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!). Time-Sert inserts are solid, and also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and locks the insert into place without excessive Loctite needed. The repair process is to drill out the old threads, then use the shoulder cutting tool (To make room for the insert's shoulder on the top), tap the hole, then install the new insert. Hole will be repaired, and will be stronger and better than it was when it was new, due to the larger diameter holding power!
Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 6 x 1 x 9.4mm Long, 16101
Price: $4.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 6 x 1 x 9.4mm, 16101 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair oil drain plate studs on Type 1, 2, and 3 engines. You can also repair stripped threads on deep sumps with it! Inserts are sold per EACH.Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!). Time-Sert inserts are solid, and also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and locks the insert into place without excessive Loctite needed. The repair process is to drill out the old threads, then use the shoulder cutting tool (To make room for the insert's shoulder on the top), tap the hole, then install the new insert. Hole will be repaired, and will be stronger and better than it was when it was new, due to the larger diameter holding power!
6 x 12mm Sheet Metal Screw w/Washer (Phillips Pan Head), EACH, N107101-PHILLIPS
Price: $0.50 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

6 x 12mm Sheet Metal Screw w/Washer (Phillips Pan Head), Each, N107101-PHILLIPS are the screws which hold the VW Engine Tin in place. They are used Extensively throughout the engine, securing the tin and backing plates in place. The Phillips version was used on the Type 4 engine since it is much easier to install in hard-to-access places. But using them on the upgright engine has benefits too!
6 x 12mm Sheet Metal Screw w/Washer (Cheesehead), EACH, N107101
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

6 x 12mm Sheet Metal Screw w/Washer (Cheesehead), Each, N107101 are the screws that hold the VW Engine Tin in place. They are used Extensively throughout the engine, securing the tin and backing plates in place. These often vibrate loose, have spares!
6 x 1 x 12mm Sheet Metal Screw w/LARGE Washer (Cheese Head), EACH
Price: $0.35 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

6 x 1 x 12mm Sheet Metal Screw w/LARGE Washer (Cheesehead), Each has a super huge washer, used to cover up sheet metal holes, gaps, or tears around the threaded insert. They replace the regular sheet metal screws which are 6 x 1 x 12mm which hold the VW Engine Tin in place. They are used Extensively throughout the engine, securing the tin and backing plates in place. These often vibrate loose, have spares!
6 x 12mm Hex Bolt, Full Thread, EACH, N102123
Price: $0.25 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

6 x 12mm Hex Bolt, Full Thread, Each, N102123 are the same size as the screws that hold the VW Engine Tin in place, but with a 10mm hex head on it rather than a flat blade slot. You can use these all over the VW, and the hex head is easier to tighten! These often vibrate loose, have spares!