Deves Piston Ring Sets - High Performance VW Piston RingsDeves VW Piston Rings and ring sets are precision engineered and utilize a special composition Swedish alloy, designed for high heat transfer, high flexibility and low wear rates. This yields performance unmatched by any other line of VW piston rings All Deves rings, compression, scraper, or oil control, are made to ensure the proper tension against the cylinder walls. Expander rings are slotted to prevent any possibility of clogging. All deves rings are checked for fit by a specially-designed light-beam microscope (if light doesn't get through, neither will oil!)
Order Deves VW Piston Rings from Aircooled.Net VW Parts along with the other VW parts you need for your project. Aircooled.Net VW Parts is your "one stop shop" for Aircooled VW parts and VW tech info.