Hex Nut, 8 X 1.25mm, EACH, N110082 (or N110088)
Price: $0.15 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Hex Nut, 8 X 1.25mm, EACH, N110082 are the most commonly used nut on your VW! They are used all over the place, engine and elsewhere. It's a good ideal to have a lot of these lying around for those times you'll need them!
Lock Washer, 10mm, EACH, N120102
Price: $0.30 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Lock Washer, 10mm, EACH, N120102
8mm Wavy Sprung Washer (Lock Washer), N122282, per EACH - 8mm ID X 15mm OD
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Wavy Washer (Lock Washer), 8 X 17mm, EACH, N122282 are the most commonly used washer on your VW! They are used all over the place, engine and elsewhere. It's a good ideal to have a lot of these lying around for those times you'll need them!
7mm Wavy Sprung Washer (Lock Washer), N120131, per EACH - 7mm ID x 14mm OD
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Wavy Washer (Lock Washer), 7mm, EACH, N120131
10mm Wavy Sprung Washer (Lock Washer), N122306, per EACH - 10mm ID x 20mm OD
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Wavy Washer, 10mm, EACH, N122306
8mm (x 1.0) Valve Adjusting Lock Nut, EACH, N111521

8mm Valve Adjusting Lock Nut, Each, N111521 are high quality adjusting lock nuts, not the cheap taiwan ones that are so soft they strip the first time you use them! These are hard and will hold the adjusting screw without having to over-tighten it!
Valve Adjustment Sticker, Fits on Fan Shroud, 1969+ Beetle, Super Beetle, Ghia, THING, 1968-71 Bus, and 1968-73 Type 3, Gray Background with Red Ink
Price: $3.50 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Valve Adjustment Sticker, Goes on Fan Shroud, 1969+ Beetle, Super Beetle, Ghia, THING, 1968-71 Bus, and 1968-73 Type 3, Gray Background with Red Ink is usually missing!
8mm Valve Adjusting Screw, EACH, 043-109-451
Price: $3.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

8mm Valve Adjusting Screw, Each, 043-109-451 are NOT the cheap adjusting screws that are not properly made nor heat treated! These are the highest quality adjusters available, for a long life and consistent valve adjusting! Old adjusters often get siezed in the rocker arm, a torch and vice grips will get them out, but this method requires their replacement! Adjusting them regularly will ensure they are easy to move. Old adjusters also get irregular wear on the tip, and adjusting the valves can be a challenge when this happens. New adjusters solve this problem!
10mm Valve Adjusting Lock Nut, EACH, 028-109-453
Price: $3.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

10mm Valve Adjusting Lock Nut, Each, 028-109-453 are high quality adjusting lock nuts, not the cheap taiwan ones that are so soft they strip the first time you use them! These are hard and will hold the adjusting screw without having to over-tighten it!
9mm Valve Adjusting Screw, 1.9L Waterboxer Engine, EACH, 025-109-451
Price: $3.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

9mm Valve Adjusting Screw, 1.9L Waterboxer Engine, Each, 025-109-451 are NOT the cheap adjusting screws that are not properly made nor heat treated! These are the highest quality adjusters available, for a long life and consistent valve adjusting! Old adjusters often get seized in the rocker arm, a torch and vice grips will get them out, but this method requires their replacement! Adjusting them regularly will ensure they are easy to move. Old adjusters also get irregular wear on the tip, and adjusting the valves can be a challenge when this happens. New adjusters solve this problem!
Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 5/16-24 x .620" Long, 05623
Price: $4.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 5/16-24 x .620" Long, 05623 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair Sig Erson or Gene Berg Rocker Arms, when the threads in the Adjusting Screw get buggered up. Inserts are sold per EACH.Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!). Time-Sert inserts are solid, and also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and locks the insert into place without excessive Loctite needed. The repair process is to drill out the old threads, then use the shoulder cutting tool (To make room for the insert's shoulder on the top), tap the hole, then install the new insert. Hole will be repaired, and will be stronger and better than it was when it was new, due to the larger diameter holding power!
Rocker Stand Shims (set of 4), can be used in Type 1 or Type 4 Engines - Choose Size

This is a pack of 4 shims, (all one size), to space the rocker arms out away from the head. They are used to correct rocker geometry, though most people use them instead of buying shorter pushrods!
SCAT Swivel Ball Style Valve Adjuster (Courier Adjusting Screws), SINGLE, 20118-SINGLE
Price: $6.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

SCAT Swivel Ball Style Valve Adjuster (Courier Adjusting Screws), SINGLE, 20118-SINGLE are MUCH easier on the valve than standard valve adjusting screws, especially for you guys running non-stock camshafts or 1.25 rockers! There is a captured ball with a flat side to keep even contact on the valve.
This is a SINGLE ADJUSTER for you guys that have lost or damaged one.
10mm Valve Adjusting Screw, 1.8 and 2.0L Type 4 Engines, EACH, 022-109-451
Price: $7.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

10mm Valve Adjusting Screw, 1.8 and 2.0L Type 4 Engines, Each, 022-109-451 are NOT the cheap adjusting screws that are not properly made nor heat treated! These are the highest quality adjusters available, for a long life and consistent valve adjusting! Old adjusters often get seized in the rocker arm, a torch and vice grips will get them out, but this method requires their replacement! Adjusting them regularly will ensure they are easy to move. Old adjusters also get irregular wear on the tip, and adjusting the valves can be a challenge when this happens. New adjusters solve this problem!
Rocker Stand Shim Kit, for Type 1 Based Engines, 12 Pieces

This is a kit of 12 shims, (4) .015", (4) .030", and (4) .060" shims, to space the rocker arms out away from the head. They are used to correct rocker geometry, though most people use them instead of buying shorter pushrods!
Hardened Lash Caps for 8mm and 9mm Valves, Set of 8

These are small steel "hats" that fit on the end of the valve, and these wear out instead of your valve. A good idea if you have a bigger cam than stock, ratio rockers, OR stainless valves! These caps add around .060" to the valve height. This is a set of 8 to do one engine.
MANLEY Hardened (Wear Caps) Lash Caps for 7mm (.2740") Stem Valves, .250" Thick, Set of 8, 42100-8

MANLEY Hardened (Wear Caps) Lash Caps for 7mm (.2740") Stem Valves, .250" Thick, Set of 8, 42100-8 are made from heat-treated 4140 alloy steel, and are small steel "hats" that fit on the end of the valve, and these wear out instead of your valve on high-RPM engines. These prevent the wear and pounding of the more expensive valves. These Manley valve tip wear caps protect the tip of your valve stem in high-rpm engines. This is a set of 8 caps.
MANLEY Hardened (Wear Caps) Lash Caps for 6mm (.2360") Stem Valves, .095" Thick, Set of 8, 42264-8

MANLEY Hardened (Wear Caps) Lash Caps for 6mm (.2360") Stem Valves, .095" Thick, Set of 8, 42264-8 are made from heat-treated 4140 alloy steel, and are small steel "hats" that fit on the end of the valve, and these wear out instead of your valve on high-RPM engines. These prevent the wear and pounding of the more expensive valves. These Manley valve tip wear caps protect the tip of your valve stem in high-rpm engines. This is a set of 8 caps.
Adjustable Push Rod Tool (Push Rod Measuring Tool), EACH

Adjustable Push Rod Tool (Push Rod Measuring Tool), Each is used to
determine the correct push rod length when setting up your rocker arm
geometry. It fits ALL Aircooled VW engines, including Type 4s! It is
threaded so you can change the push rod length to find out what length
is best.
This is a MUST HAVE when it comes to setting rocker
geometry. Ends have the correct radius for VWs (unlike
cheaper tools), so what you measure is what you need!
Rocker Stand Shim Kit, 24 Pc Kit for Type 4 Based Engines

Rocker Stand Shim Kit, Type 4 Based Engines, 24 Pieces, (8) .015", (8) .030", and (8) .060" shims, to space the rocker arms out away from the head. They are used to correct rocker geometry, though most people use them instead of buying shorter push rods!
Time-Sert Tool Rental Fee, 5/16-24 (Aftermarket Rocker Arm Valve Adjusting Screw), 0562
Rental Fee $30.00 $100 Tool Core charged AT TIME OF SHIPMENT (refunded upon return per terms of service)

Time-Sert Tool Rental, 5/16-24 (Aftermarket Rocker Arm Valve Adjusting Screw), 0562 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair damaged adjusting screws in aftermarket rocker arms. Time-Sert tool rental period is one month.
SCAT Swivel Ball Style Valve Adjusters (Courier Adjusting Screws), Set of 8, 20118

SCAT Swivel Ball Style Valve Adjusters (Courier Adjusting Screws), Set of 8, 20118 are MUCH easier on the valve than standard valve adjusting screws, especially for you guys running non-stock camshafts or 1.25 rockers! There is a captured ball with a flat side to keep even contact on the valve.
Porsche Valve Adjusting Screw, EACH, 901-105-370-02

Porsche Valve Adjusting Screw, Each, 901-105-370-02 are the finest valve adjusting screws available, GENUINE PORSCHE! These are superior in every respect to the "Budget" copies of this quality part. Ball Swivel keeps even valve contact at all angles. These are a wise idea if you have a higher than stock valve lift, since the increased adjuster angle runs the edge of the stock adjuster into the end of the valve as angle increases.IMPORTANT! Do NOT use these on hydraulic lifter engines, RISK OF FAILURE IS HIGH! Pivoting adjusting screws need "valve lash" to give oil the chance to get in there and lubricate, with no clearance they can gall and fail quickly!
Elephant's Feet Style 8mm Valve Adjusters, Set of 8

These Porsche 911 Style Elephant's Feet Valve Adjusting screws are MUCH easier on the valve than standard valve adjusting screws, especially for you guys running non-stock camshafts or 1.25 rockers! The swivel near the valve keeps even contact on the valve, without a fixed end which can gouge the valve end.
These are a quality product, NOT CHINESE GARBAGE! IMPORTANT! Do NOT use these on hydraulic lifter engines, THEY CAN FAIL. These need "valve lash" to give oil the chance to get in there and lubricate, with no clearance they can gall and fail quickly!
Tool Steel Conversion Cup Adjusting Screws, 5/16-24 Threads (Fit SCAT and BERG Rockers), Set of 8

Tool Steel Conversion Cup Adjusting Screws, 5/16-24 Threads (Fit SCAT and BERG Rockers), Set of 8 were originally used to convert Sig Erson's "ball" adjusters and "Cup" push rods, to traditional VW style. But these fit all 5/16"-24 threads in rocker arms!
This is a set of 8 adjusters and lock nuts.