Breather Tower Gasket, Better Than Stock, EACH
Price: $0.50 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Breather Tower Gasket, Better Than Stock, Each, is soft metal compression gasket that fits between the breather tower, and the generator or alternator stand. The factory one is paper (what were they thinking?) that always leaks and rips. This doesn't!
ACN Flanged Racing Intake and Exhaust Nut, 8 x 10mm, EACH

ACN Flanged Racing Intake and Exhaust Nut, 8 x 10mm, EACH were designed after evaluating all problems with other nuts. We tried to solve them all with this product! 8mm threads, with a 10mm 6pt hex, and a 13mm flanged bottom to spread the clamping forces! You can torque these to 35lb/ft, though we feel that is excessive. The threads fail at just over 40lb/ft. We have tried these in several different alloys (including Stainless Steel) and success with one combination was the one we used!Once you use these you will never EVER go back to the Brass Nuts (that strip and round off), or the barely better 12mm ones out there. These are a LOT smaller than 11mm on the Head, and the flange keeps the header far enough away from the nut to allow your socket or wrench head enough room to get on and off! We use these all over because they are so useful. The obvious application is header nuts, when you have a larger than stock header. These even work on exhausts as big as 2 1/4"!!!!! The not so obvious application are to hold down your intake manifold(s)! Now you have a ton of room to use a FAST Ratchet with a long extension above the carb top! You can take a dual carb system off in under a minute after a little practice! Imagine, no more bloody knuckles after an hour of fighting your car!!!!
Intake Manifold Gasket, 1300-1600cc Single Port, EACH, 311-129-707
Price: $1.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Intake Manifold Gasket, 1300-1600cc Single Port, EACH, 311-129-707 should be replaced EACH time the intake is removed from the cylinder head. These compress and deform, and will not seal if you try to re-use them! Keeping a few spares is a wise move. This also fits single port Type 3s
Intake Manifold Gasket, Dual Port, Between Head and End Casting, EACH, 113-129-717A
Price: $1.25 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Intake Manifold Gasket, Dual Port, Between Head and End Casting, 113-129-717A is the NON RE-USABLE gasket that seals between the end casting and cylinder head. Your intake WILL LEAK if you try to re-use this! It's cheap, replace it when the intake is off!
Solex Carburetor Base Gasket (per EACH), for 28 and 30 PICT and 30/31, N137761 or N137991

Solex Carburetor Base Gasket, 28 and 30 PICT and 30/31, N127761 or N137991 is a new gasket to replace that cracked, torn, or hard gasket that won't seal any more! This is a LOT more common than most folks realize, resulting in undiagnosed vacuum leaks! Ensure that you don't have this problem by using a new gasket once in a while!
CB Panchito 044 Dual Port Intake Manifold Gasket, EACH, CB2788
Price: $1.50 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

CB Panchito 044 Dual Port Intake Manifold Gasket, EACH, CB2788 seal well, and out of the box match the CB Panchito intake shape. We do recommend getting extras for the garage so they are available if you have a leak or sucked gasket! Price is for a SINGLE (1) gasket to do one head.
Racing Intake & Exhaust Header Nut, 11 x 8mm, per EACH

Racing Intake & Exhaust Header Nut, 11 x 8mm, EACH are improved compared to the original Brass 11 x 8mm Racing Nuts, these are steel!
11 x 8mm nuts allow easier access to loosen and tighten your heater boxes or header to your engine, especially when you have larger than stock headers! Normally 13mm nuts infringe on your "wrench room" and make tightening and loosening a pain! You can also use these for your intake manifolds for more room! When using these nuts you can get a socket and a couple "wobbly extensions" run down from above for a FAST R&R. WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE THESE BEFORE? LOL Price is PER NUT!
Fiberous Heat Rise Gaskets, PAIR

These precision die cut gaskets are made from a fibrous heat resistant material for long life. This is for a pair of gaskets to do one engine.
Intake Manifold Gasket, 36hp Engines, EACH, N138211
Price: $1.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Intake Manifold Gasket, 36hp Engines, EACH, N138211 should be replaced EACH time the intake is removed from the cylinder head. These compress and deform, and will not seal if you try to re-use them! Keeping a few spares is a wise move.
ECONO Type 4 Intake Manifold Gasket, 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0L, EACH

ECONO Type 4 Intake Manifold Gasket, 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0L, Each are for the Type 4 VW and Porsche engines. Needed in dual carb applications. Price is for ONE gasket, but 2 of these are needed to do one engine.
Solex Carburetor Base Gasket (per EACH), for 34-3 and 34-4 PICT, 113-129-707A
Price: $2.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Solex Carburetor Base Gasket, 34-3 and 34-4 PICT, 113-129-707A is a new gasket to replace that cracked, torn, or hard gasket that won't seal any more! This is a LOT more common than most folks realize, resulting in undiagnosed vacuum leaks! Ensure that you don't have this problem by using a new gasket once in a while!
Superflo and Competition Eliminator Intake Manifold Gasket, EACH

Superflo and Competition Eliminator Intake Manifold Gasket, EACH work on both center mount, turbo, and dual carburetor setups. Make sure you have spares, they are cheap and take up almost no space!
These gaskets fit both the Bugpack Superflow AND the CB Competition Eliminator cylinder heads!
Replacement IDF to 40P11 Adapter Gasket, PAIR

Spare gaskets for your Weber IDF to Solex 40P11 intake manifold Adapters!
12mm Nut (8mm Thread), 12 Pieces

Nuts that use a 12mm wrench yet still fit on the 8mm stud, give you more working room! While not as nice as our 3/8" x 8mm nuts, these are great (and cheap!) for mild engines that need just a LITTLE extra room! 12 nuts will do both intakes, and all 4 exhaust ports!
Intake Manifold Gasket, 1200cc (40hp Engines) Single Port, EACH, N138231
Price: $2.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Intake Manifold Gasket, 1200cc (40hp Engines) Single Port, EACH, N138231 should be replaced EACH time the intake is removed from the cylinder head. These compress and deform, and will not seal if you try to re-use them! Keeping a few spares is a wise move.
HP Type 4 Intake Manifold Gasket, 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0L, EACH

HP Type 4 Intake Manifold Gasket, 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0L, Each are the finest intake gaskets we have found for the Type 4 VW and Porsche engines. We recommend these for dual carb applications. These seal really well and are easy to open up for match porting. Price is for ONE gasket, you will need 2 of these to do one engine. Having spares is a wise idea so you minimize down time!
HP Dual Port Intake Manifold Gaskets, PAIR
Price: $3.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

These are the best quality intake gaskets we have found for dual port VW engines. We recommend these for dual carb applications, but the metal ones for centermount carb systems to aid in heat transfer. These seal well and are easy to open up for match porting. Price is for a pair of gaskets to do one engine.
Weber IDF & Dellorto DRLA Base Gasket, 36 & 40mm, EACH (does ONE DUAL CARBURETOR)

Weber IDF & Dellorto DRLA Base Gasket, 36 & 40mm, EACH (does ONE DUAL CARBURETOR) is a high quality carburetor base dual gasket (or pair of single gaskets) which not go hard or disintegrate prematurely! ACN Tip: give the gaskets a quick rub with some Chap Stick, the wax coating will prevent sticking and tearing so you can use them more than once! This is a 40mm holed gasket, you could also use it on a 36mm carburetor without issue.
Weber 44 IDF Base Gasket, ONE CARBURETOR

Weber 44 IDF Base Gasket, ONE CARBURETOR is a high quality carburetor base gasket which not go hard or disintegrate prematurely! ACN Tip: give the gaskets a quick rub with some Chap Stick, the wax coating will prevent sticking and tearing so you can use them more than once!
Weber IDF & Dellorto DRLA Base Gasket, 44, 45, and 48mm, ONE CARBURETOR

Weber IDF & Dellorto DRLA Base Gasket, 44, 45, and 48mm, ONE CARBURETOR is a high quality carburetor base gasket which not go hard or disintegrate prematurely! ACN Tip: give the gaskets a quick rub with some Chap Stick, the wax coating will prevent sticking and tearing so you can use them more than once!
Base Gasket 44mm (and larger) Weber IDF, IDA, & Dellorto DRLA, EACH

A high quality carburetor base gasket that will not go hard or disintegrate prematurely! ACN Tip: give the gaskets a quick rub with some Chap Stick, the wax coating will prevent sticking and tearing so you can use them more than once! Each gasket does 2 barrels (can be cut for use with single barrel carbs). These fit the larger size 44mm, 45mm, and 48mm carburetors.
Replacement Intake Manifold Gaskets, Porsche 356/912, PAIR. 00-3247-0

Get some spares to have on hand for WHEN (not if) your gaskets are in need of replacement. If you put Chap Stick on the gaskets they will not stick and will last a lot longer!
Dual Port Intake Manifold Boot Clamps, PAIR of Large Clamps

Dual Port Intake Manifold Boot Clamps, (2) Large Clamps to seal your smaller diameter performance intake manifold boots. This kit includes 2 clamps, you'll also need the 2 different sized ones too for one engine!
Dual Port Intake Manifold Boot Clamps, PAIR of Small Clamps

Dual Port Intake Manifold Boot Clamps, (2) Small Clamps to seal your smaller diameter performance intake manifold boots. This kit includes 2 clamps, you'll also need the 2 different sized ones too for one engine!
Intake Manifold Gasket, WBX (Water Boxer), Between Head and Intake Manifold, EACH, 025-129-717C
Price: $7.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Intake Manifold Gasket, WBX (Water Boxer), Between Head and Intake Manifold, EACH, 025-129-717C should be replaced when the intakes are off. Your intake can leak if you try to re-use this! It's cheap, replace it when the intake is off! This fits engines with the stock fuel injection, or if you have converted to dual carbs!
Weber IDF and IDA, & Dellorto DRLA Base Gaskets (Carburetor Insulator Gaskets), 40-48mm Carburetors, EACH

Weber IDF and IDA, & Dellorto DRLA Base Gaskets (Carburetor Insulator Gaskets), 40-48mm Carburetors, EACH fit between the intake manifold & carburetor to keep the carburetor COOL, preventing fuel percolation and vapor lock. These help keep the heat from the cylinder head away from the carburetor! You can run these year round, but a lot of folks run them in the hot months when vapor lock is a problem.
These are ~2-3mm thick, and you use them without a gasket on top and bottom.
Split Intake Manifold Boots, (Manifold to End Casting Boots), EACH, 113-129-729SP

Split Intake Manifold Boots, (Manifold to End Casting Boots), Each, 113-129-729SP are so you can replace these boots without tearing half your engine apart, but they don't work as well as the original style non-split boots. Price per each. Order Clamps separately.
Stock Dual Port Intake Manifold Boot Clamp Kit, Set of 4

Set of 4 clamps to seal your stock or urethane intake manifold boots. This kit includes 4 clamp, you'll need 2 per side to do one engine.
Weber IDF, IDA, & Dellorto DRLA Soft Mounts (Carb Isolators), 48mm Carburetors, PAIR

Weber IDF, IDA, & Dellorto DRLA Soft Mounts (Carb Isolators), 48mm Carburetors, Pair will do one carburetor. These fit between the intake manifold & carburetor to dampen fuel vibrations and heat transfer to your carburetor. These are 1/8" thick.
Weber IDF, IDA, & Dellorto DRLA Soft Mounts (Carb Isolators), 36-44mm Carburetors, PAIR

Weber IDF, IDA, & Dellorto DRLA Soft Mounts (Carb Isolators), 36-44mm Carburetors, Pair will do one carburetor. These fit between the intake manifold & carburetor to dampen fuel vibrations and heat transfer to your carburetor. These are 1/8" thick.
Solex 34 PICT Carb Spacer, 3/8" Thick (6mm), Fits 34-3 and 34-4 Carburetors, 00-9705-0

Solex 34 PICT Carb Spacer, 3/8" Thick (6mm), Fits 34-3 and 34-4 Carburetors, 00-9705-0 is used to move the carburetor up for the accelerator pump linkage to clear the larger diameter alternator when doing an alternator conversion with the generator carb. This is a very easy solution to this common problem.
Center to center distance on the stud holes is 2 11/16" (~68mm).
Solex 34 series carbs come in 2 versions. One has the accel pump arm down, the other up. Facing down was used on the generator engines, and this arm HITS the larger diameter alternator. Normally this spacer is never needed on the carb models with the alternator arm (arm up).
Performance Dual Port Intake Manifold Boot Clamp Kit, Set of 4

Set of 4 clamps to seal your larger diameter performance intake manifold boots. This kit includes 4 clamp, you'll need 2 per side to do one engine.
Urethane Intake Boots, 1 5/8" ID, PAIR

This is a pair of Intake Manifold Boots to fit 1 5/8" ID Racing Centermount Intake Manifolds.
Urethane Intake Manifold to End Casting Boots, PAIR

Red or Black Urethane Intake Manifold Boots are superior to stock rubber ones that split, crack, and leak. These easily replace the stock units, and provide a little bit of matching color to your car. Order Clamps separately.
12 Point Engine Nuts, 8 x 1.25mm Thread, Set of 8, 4101-10
Price: $12.95 SALE ITEM! use code TOOMANY30

12 Point Engine Nuts, 8 x 1.25mm Thread, Set of 8, 4101-10 are a great looking 12pt black finished nut to set off your engine. Precision made from a hard steel, the 12pt 10mm head gives extra grip with 12pt sockets so they don't round off. These have a 8 x 1.25mm thread to fit your intake and exhaust studs, for easier installation and removal of dual carb systems, and performance exhausts.
Weber Progressive (DFAV and DFEV) Carburetor Spacer, 14mm (1/2"), 99005.120

Weber Progressive (DFAV and DFEV) Carburetor Spacer, 14mm (1/2"), 99005.120 is used to move the carburetor UP off the intake, usually to solve a minor clearance issue with the carburetor and the alternator. We offer these in 7mm and 14mm versions.
1 1/2" Intake Boots, PAIR

1 1/2" Intake Boots, PAIR is a pair of Intake Manifold Boots to fit 1 1/2" ID Racing center mount Intake Manifolds.
Solex Carb Spacer for Alternator, 30 PICT Carburetors, 00-3245-0

Solex Carb Spacer for Alternator, 30 PICT Carburetors, 3245 is used to move the carburetor up enough for the accelerator pump linkage to clear the larger diameter alternator when doing an alternator conversion. Very easy solution to this common problem.
Intake Manifold Boots, 1968-74 Fuel Injected Type 3, Set of 4, 311-241

Intake Manifold Boots, 1968-74 Fuel Injected Type 3, Set of 4, 311-241 are the 4 boots which connect the intake runners to the intake plenum. These often leak and cause a lot of head scratching on why the FI isn't working properly!
30 and 31 to 34 PICT Carburetor Adapter Kit

30 and 31 to 34 PICT Carburetor Adapter Kit is used to put a 30 or 30/31 carburetor on a Dual Port (34 PICT) intake manifold. Normally the flanges will not match up, so this kit allows you to use the 30/31, which some feel is more reliable than the 34-3.
Weber Progressive (DFAV and DFEV) Carburetor Spacer, 7mm (1/4"), 99005.119

Weber Progressive (DFAV and DFEV) Carburetor Spacer, 7mm (1/4"), 99005.119 is used to move the carburetor UP off the intake, usually to solve a minor clearance issue with the carburetor and the alternator. We offer these in 7mm and 12mm versions.
Vacuum (0-30 in-Hg) and Fuel Pressure Gauge (0-10psi) Tool

Vacuum (0-30 in-Hg) and Fuel Pressure Gauge (0-10psi) Tool is a MUST HAVE for vintage VW owners! Proper fuel pressure is a MUST for proper carburetor operation, and the Vacuum Reading will help diagnose intake leaks, or even valve and ring problems! This is super fast and easy to use too!
This is not a "Professional" level tool, it's for the hobbyist (occasional use!), and priced accordingly!
Intake Manifold Pre-Heat Tubes, Left and Right Pair

Intake Manifold Pre-Heat Tubes, Left and Right Pair are used to replace the rusted or missing tubes for your intake. These are a generic "universal" design, and will likely require shortening, bending, and/or tweaking to fit YOUR intake manifold!
Dellorto DRLA "Anti-Whistle" Base Gasket, PAIR (Does 2 Carburetors), Dellorto-Whistle-Gasket

Dellorto DRLA "Anti-Whistle" Base Gasket, PAIR (Does 2 Carburetors), Dellorto-Whistle-Gasket stop that chirping! The "Dellorto Whistle" is famous (or infamous), the use of these gaskets will get rid of the Dellorto Whistle so you can hear the engine! ACN Tip: give the gaskets a quick rub with some Chap Stick, the wax will prevent sticking and tearing so you they can be used several times!These gaskets fit the Dellorto 36, 40, 45, and 48 DRLAs. Made of a fuel resistant material, they are shaped to fill in the hole in the bottom of the Dellorto DRLA which causes the "Dellorto Whistle". These gaskets were available a long time ago, but supplies dried up, but here they are! This is for TWO (2) gaskets to do TWO (2) carburetors, a typical dual carb setup.
Redline Centermount IDF/DRLA Linkage Rebuild Kit, 99007.315

Redline Centermount IDF/DRLA Linkage Rebuild Kit, 99007.315 is for folks that have the awesome Redline Intake Manifold, but have lost or jacked up the linkage system! The Redline Intake is the finest out there, but these parts are needed to make it work! When you buy the intake manifold or carburetor kit new, it comes with these parts, but when you buy these intakes or kits used they are often missing the parts that this kit includes.Picture shows a typical Swap-Meet intake acquisition, missing the linkage parts that this kit includes!
Dual Port End Castings, 1971-74 Upright DP Stock Engine, PAIR, 113-129-709/113-129-710

Dual Port End Castings, 1971-74 Upright DP Stock Engine, PAIR, 113-129-709/113-129-710 includes a pair (Left and Right) of end castings. These are for your center mount intake manifold center section, either stock or aftermarket.
CHROME Isolated Runner IDF or DRLA Centermount Intake Manifold

Old School Isolated Runner Centermount Intake Manifold in CHROME for Dual Port VW Bugs and Sandrails. Isolated Runners provides better throttle response than Plenum Models do. This only fits generator equipped engines, and comes with preheat pipes!
Dual Solex 34 and 35 PDSIT Intake Manifold Kit, Dual Port Upright Engines, Aluminum, 30247

Dual Solex 34 and 35 PDSIT Intake Manifold Kit, Dual Port Upright Engines, Aluminum, 30247 are high quality intake manifolds, and include carburetor and intake/head gaskets, new studs, and 11x8mm Intake Manifold Mounting Nuts!
Single Port End Casting Kit with Hardware, 00-3237-0

Single Port End Casting Kit with Hardware, 00-3237-0 includes 2 end castings (Left and Right), 2 Intake Manifold Gaskets, 2 Intake Manifold Boots, and 4 Intake Boot clamps. This completes your centermount intake manifold to single port engines! These slick end castings allow you single port guys to use either a 34-3 carb and intake manifold, OR use one of the different 2bbl intakes and carburetors that used to be reserved for dual port only!
Dual Port Intake Manifold Kit for Kadrons, Upright Engines

Dual Port Intake Manifold Kit for Kadrons, Upright Engines replace the unreliable welded steel intakes that come in so many Kadron kits used Worldwide. The aluminum intakes are easy to match port (Unlike steel) and feature even flow to prevent fuel distribution problems. Comes complete with balance tubing, nuts, studs, and gaskets. Designed only for dual solex carb kits by Kadron. Kadron carburetors have a 2.900" Center to Center Stud Spacing.