Hex Nut, 8 X 1.25mm, EACH, N110082 (or N110088)
Price: $0.15 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Hex Nut, 8 X 1.25mm, EACH, N110082 are the most commonly used nut on your VW! They are used all over the place, engine and elsewhere. It's a good ideal to have a lot of these lying around for those times you'll need them!
Lock Washer, 10mm, EACH, N120102
Price: $0.30 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Lock Washer, 10mm, EACH, N120102
Engine Case Washer for 12mm Nuts (Need 6) on Main Studs, EACH, 043-101-129
Price: $0.35 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Engine Case Washer for 12mm Nuts (Need 6) on Main Studs, EACH, 043-101-129 go between the sealing nuts, and the actual engine case. You can up the torque of these main nuts to 30lb/ft for a longer case life!
Each engine needs 6 of these nuts!
Hex Nut, 10 x 1.5mm, Engine Mounting, EACH, N110102
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Hex Nut, 10 x 1.5mm, Engine Mounting, EACH, N110102 are used to secure the engine to the trans axle. It is nice to have a few of these lying around for the various engine projects you have going on. Remember nuts are measured by the THREADS not the head.
8mm Wavy Sprung Washer (Lock Washer), N122282, per EACH - 8mm ID X 15mm OD
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Wavy Washer (Lock Washer), 8 X 17mm, EACH, N122282 are the most commonly used washer on your VW! They are used all over the place, engine and elsewhere. It's a good ideal to have a lot of these lying around for those times you'll need them!
7mm Wavy Sprung Washer (Lock Washer), N120131, per EACH - 7mm ID x 14mm OD
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Wavy Washer (Lock Washer), 7mm, EACH, N120131
10mm Wavy Sprung Washer (Lock Washer), N122306, per EACH - 10mm ID x 20mm OD
Price: $0.40 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Wavy Washer, 10mm, EACH, N122306
Cylinder Head Stud WASHER, 8mm, 1200-1600cc Engines, EACH, N154014
Price: $0.45 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Cylinder Head Stud WASHER, 8mm, 1200-1600cc Engines, EACH, N154014 are the stock head stud washers, which go between the cylinder head and the nut. These are often corroded or lost. The ones in the rocker box must be smooth, since you use RTV or Curil-T to prevent oil leaks!
You need 16 total of these, 8 of which need to be in really good shape in the rocker box.
Generator and Alternator Stand Gasket, Between Stand and Case, 40hp-1600cc Engines, 113-101-219
Price: $0.50 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Generator and Alternator Stand Gasket, Between Stand and Case, 40hp-1600cc Engines, 113-101-219 is the paper gasket on either side of the deflector plate. Using a thin coating of Curil-T will prevent any chance of an oil leak from this location! You need two of these for each engine, one on either side of the deflector plate.
Cylinder Head Stud WASHER, 10mm, 1200-1600cc AND Type 4 Engines, EACH, 111-101-461
Price: $0.60 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Cylinder Head Stud WASHER, 10mm, 1200-1600cc AND Type 4 Engines, EACH, 111-101-461 are the stock head stud washers, which go between the cylinder head and the nut. These are often corroded or lost. The ones in the rocker box must be smooth, since you use RTV or Curil-T to prevent oil leaks!
You need 16 total of these, 8 of which need to be in really good shape in the rocker box.
Stud, 6 x 23mm Full Thread, Type 1 Based Oil Drain Plate (Sump Stud), EACH, N145421-N144512
Price: $0.70 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Stud, 6 x 23mm Full Thread, Type 1 Based Oil Drain Plate (Sump Stud), EACH, N145421_N144512 is used on the bottom of the Type 1, 2, and 3 engine case (oil drain plate). These are often bent by poor jack placement, or seize to the cap nuts. 6 Needed for each engine case!
Main Bearing DOWEL PIN (8mmx5mm), per EACH - for 1200-1600cc Type 1, and all Type 4 Engines
Price: $0.75 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Dowel Pin (8mmx5mm), for Main Bearing, 1200-1600cc, and all Type 4 Engines. This is the dowel pin that locates and indexes the main bearings in the crankcase, so the oiling holes line up with the case! These are often lost during disassembly and cleaning. 5 are typically needed for one engine.
Stud, 6 x 33mm Full Thread, EACH, N145433
Price: $0.75 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Stud, 6 x 33mm Full Thread, EACH, N145433 is normally the LONG stud in the sump which is holding the pick up tube in place. You can use these if you have thicker drain plate gaskets, or a thicker sump plate. 6 Needed for each engine case!
Cap Nut (Acorn Nut), 6x1mm for Oil Drain Plate (Oil Sump), EACH, N110624

Cap Nut (Acorn Nut), 6x1mm for Oil Drain Plate (Oil Sump), Each, N110624 are closed ended nuts that prevent oil drips (weaping down the stud threads), that's why VW used these and not "regular" nuts! Don't forget your strainer and gaskets! These are sold per each, you need 6 do to one engine.
Type 3 Oil Filler Gasket, EACH, 070-115-315

Type 3 Oil Filler Gasket, EACH, 070-115-315 is the gasket used on type 3 applications, OR when you convert the case to upright use. These are also used on universal cases, you simply use a block off and this gasket for upright use.
This gasket has a hole spacing of ~50mm (1 15/16"), and does NOT fit Type 4 engines, only the Type 1/2/3 engine.
Generator and Alternator Stand Oil Deflector Plate, Between Case and Stand, 40hp-1600cc Engines, 113-101-221B

Generator and Alternator Stand Oil Deflector Plate, Between Case and Stand, 40hp-1600cc Engines, 113-101-221B is a vital component to preventing oil being blown from the crankcase to the air filter or breather box! Proper orientation is critical! You need one of these for each engine. You don't have to use a gasket on either side of this plate, if you use Curil-T instead (a fantastic sealant). But tried and true paper gaskets also work great!
8 x 1.25 x 31mm Stud, Threads All the Way, EACH, N144559
Price: $1.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

8 x 1.25 x 31mm Stud, Threads All the Way, EACH, N144559 is typically used for short stud locations. This is a good stud to use if you are repairing the oil sump studs, where the case (6mm) is stripped out. Either Time-sert, OR tap and use these! You can use the "double nut" technique to remove and install!
Oil Drain Plate Sealing Washers, Fit 6mm Studs (10mm Cap Nuts), Copper, Set of 6

Oil Drain Plate Sealing Washers, Fit 6mm Studs (10mm Cap Nuts), Copper, Set of 6 are sold separately from the gaskets, for customers that already have gaskets or are using our premium silicone strainer gaskets! This is for a set of 6 washers to do all 6 studs and nuts on the oil drain plate, not including the center one for the oil drain nut!
Relief Spring Plug GASKET, EACH, 18 X 22mm, N138174

Relief Spring Plug GASKET, Each, 18 X 22mm, N138174 is the gasket which goes between the actual plug and the engine case. These can often be re-used, but if yours is nicked or bent, REPLACE IT!
8 x 1.25 x 40mm Stud, Threads All the Way, EACH, N143935
Price: $2.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

8 x 1.25 x 40mm Stud, Threads All the Way, EACH, N143935 is typically used on intake manifold studs, or for the thermostat mounting stud! You can use the "double nut" technique to remove and install! Price is for one stud.
Cam Plug, Metal for Grooved Cases, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, 113-101-157C
Price: $2.50 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Cam Plug, Metal for Grooved Cases, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, 113-101-157C seals the 2 case halfs at the flywheel end. These often get corroded or bent to the point where re-use is risky. The use of a new cam plug is a wise move during re-assembly. These ONLY fit engine cases with the machined groove in them. We mention this because a lot of the new cases do NOT have the groove, and must use the Rubber Cam Plug for the Non-Grooved cases instead!
8 Bolt Oil Drain Plate Gasket (Sump Gasket), for 8 Bolt CB Performance Deep Sumps, EACH, CB1769

8 Bolt Oil Drain Plate Gasket (Sump Gasket), for 8 Bolt CB Performance Deep Sumps, EACH, CB1769 are the tough to find proprietary gaskets used on CB Performance Deep Sumps! If you have one of these, you should keep these gaskets in the garage!
Oil Filler Cap for Aluminum Oil Fillers (Replacement Plastic Cap) for 3067BP, 3067-20

Oil Filler Cap for Aluminum Oil Fillers (Replacement Plastic Cap) for 3067BP, 3067-20 is a replacement cap for our aluminum oil filler extensions.
Lower Engine Mounting Stud, 10mm X 85MM (or 83mm), EACH, N145251

Lower Engine Mounting Stud, 10mm X 85MM, Each, N145251 fit everything except 091 transmission applications. 25hp, 36hp, 40hp 1200cc, 1300, 1500, and 1600cc engines. You need 2 of these installed into the engine case to mount it to the transaxle.
Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 6 x 1 x 9.4mm Long, 16101
Price: $4.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 6 x 1 x 9.4mm, 16101 is the best thread repair kit available. This size is typically used to repair oil drain plate studs on Type 1, 2, and 3 engines. You can also repair stripped threads on deep sumps with it! Inserts are sold per EACH.Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!). Time-Sert inserts are solid, and also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and locks the insert into place without excessive Loctite needed. The repair process is to drill out the old threads, then use the shoulder cutting tool (To make room for the insert's shoulder on the top), tap the hole, then install the new insert. Hole will be repaired, and will be stronger and better than it was when it was new, due to the larger diameter holding power!
Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 24.5mm Long, EACH, 10155
Price: $4.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Time-Sert Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 24.5mm Long, EACH, 10155 is the insert for the 10 x 1.5mm Time-Sert when repairing damaged engine mounting studs that have stripped the engine case, to a better than new condition. Inserts are sold per EACH.Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!).Time-Sert inserts are solid, and also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and locks the insert into place without excessive Loctite needed. The repair process is to drill out the old threads, then use the shoulder cutting tool (To make room for the insert's shoulder on the top), tap the hole, then install the new insert. Hole will be repaired, and will be stronger and better than it was when it was new, due to the larger diameter holding power!
Stock Dipstick, Upright Engines, Stock Length Type 1, 113-115-611

Stock Dipstick, Upright Engines, Stock Length Type 1, 113-115-611 will replace that mangled or missing dipstick that you drove over or lost! 2 Lines, "Add" and "Full", should be checked regularly, since stock engines only hold 2.5 quarts of oil!
Chrome Dipstick, Stock Length Type 1

Chrome Dipstick for upright VW engines, dresses it up nicely!
Cam Plug, Non-Metal for Un-Grooved Cases, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, 040-101-157
Price: $5.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Cam Plug, Non-Metal for Un-Grooved Cases, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, 040-101-157 seals the 2 case halfs at the flywheel end. These are made for un-grooved cases, but you can use these on grooved cases too! You can also install without splitting the case! Just put Curil on the OD, and lightly tap into a clean engine case!
Type 3 Oil Filler Block Off Plate, Drilled for 1/8 NPT (1/8-27) Temperature Sending Units, 98-1171-0

Type 3 Oil Filler Block Off Plate, Drilled for 1/8 NPT (1/8-27) Temperature Sending Units, 98-1171-B is a steel block off plate to cover up the oil filler hole in Volkswagen Type 3 cases, or "Universal Cases", when using them for upright cooling systems. This is a really easy way to add an oil temperature sending unit to the engine case, since the drilling and tapping was done for you!
This block off has a hole spacing of ~50mm (1 15/16"), and does NOT fit Type 4 engines, only the Type 1/2/3 engine.
Magnetic Drain Plug, T1 Based Engines

This is a great part, it's a drain plug with a strong magnet built in, to catch iron and steel particle's floating in your oil before they can do any damage. Excellent bolt on part!
Cam Plug, NON-Metal for Grooved Cases, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, 113-101-157
Price: $5.95 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Cam Plug, NON-Metal for Grooved Cases, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, 113-101-157 seals the 2 case halfs at the flywheel end. These often get corroded or bent to the point where re-use is risky. The use of a new cam plug is a wise move during re-assembly.
Allen Relief Spring Plug, 18 X 1.5mm, Fits Type 1 Based Engines, EACH, 113-115-431

Allen Relief Spring Plug, 18 X 1.5mm, Fits Type 1 Based Engines, EACH, 113-115-431 help you say GOODBYE to using ineffective screwdrivers on that blasted slot-screw! These allow you to use an Allen key to remove or install the relief pistons and/or springs. The slot was a horrible!
Type 3 Oil Filler Block Off Plate

Type 3 Oil Filler Block Off Plate is a steel block off plate to cover up the oil filler hole in Volkswagen Type 3 cases, or "Universal Cases", when using them for upright cooling systems.
This block off has a hole spacing of ~50mm (1 15/16"), and does NOT fit Type 4 engines, only the Type 1/2/3 engine.
Oil Pressure Relief Kit (Pistons and Springs), 1970 & Later (Dual Relief Cases)

Oil Pressure Relief Kit (Pistons and Springs), 1970 & Later (Dual Relief Cases) replaces your tired springs and worn pistons with an OE Quality kit. This kit is stock spec, re-using your current plugs and gaskets. Everything you need to get your oil temps normalized!
If you have a low oil pressure problem, you need to make sure the relief piston tops are FLAT (they are often not flat at all), and take a peak at the piston seating surface in the case, they are often not flat either, and either of these situations will bleed off vital oil pressure. The other thing to check is your oil pump gear clearances, and end play clearance. Blueprinting the oil pump following the methods shown in How To Hotrod Your VW Engine will maximize oil pressure at idle.
Oil Pressure Boost Kit (Piston and Spring) for 1961-69 SINGLE RELIEF CASE

Oil Pressure Boost Kit (Piston and Spring), for 1961-69 Single Relief Cases replaces your tired spring and worn piston. This kit is slightly stiffer than stock, for more oil pressure before bypassing. It also re-uses your current plug and gasket. With it you would re-use your current plug and gasket. Everything you need to get your oil temps normalized!
If you have a low oil pressure problem, you need to make sure the relief piston tops are FLAT (they are often not flat at all), and take a peak at the piston seating surface in the case, they are often not flat either, and either of these situations will bleed off vital oil pressure. The other thing to check is your oil pump gear clearances, and end play clearance. Blueprinting the oil pump following the methods shown in How To Hotrod Your VW Engine will maximize oil pressure at idle.
Oil Dipstick Tube Boot (Bellows), 1972-83 Type 2 (Late Bus and early Vanagon), 021-119-245
Price: $6.95 SALE ITEM! use code TOOMANY30

Oil Dipstick Tube Boot (Bellows), 1972-83 Type 2 (Late Bus and early Vanagon), 021-119-245 is often cracked or split, leaking oil all over the driveway under your car! Keep the oil in and the dirt out by replacing that boot with this new one! You should change this if the shroud is off, access is tough! Rubber dipstick boot or bellows. This part fits between the metal oil filler tube on the crankcase and the dipstick tube on the fan shroud.
Oil Pressure Boost Kit, 1970 & Later (Dual Relief Cases)

Oil Pressure Boost Kit, 1970 & Later (Dual Relief Cases) do NOT do what most folks think they do. These raise the max pressure at which oil is bypassed back to the sump, and it routes more oil through the oil cooler sooner. It will raise the maximum oil pressure that the engine exhibits. If you have a low oil pressure problem, you need to make sure the relief piston tops are FLAT (they are often not flat at all), and take a peak at the piston seating surface in the case, they are often not flat either, and either of these situations will bleed off vital oil pressure. The other thing to check is your oil pump gear clearances, and end play clearance. Blueprinting the oil pump following the methods shown in http://vwparts.aircooled.net/How-to-Hotrod-Your-VW-Engine-by-Jeff-Fischer-p/how-to-hotrod.htm will maximize oil pressure at idle.
Fuel Pump Block Off Plate, Type 1 Engines

This simple cast aluminum block off plate bolts to the stock mechanical fuel pump location. It is also drilled/tapped so you can install a breather fitting to run to your breather box if you want.
Head Stud Nut and Washer Kit, Fits 10mm Head Studs, 16 Nuts and 16 Washers (Studs NOT INCLUDED)

Head Stud Nut and Washer Kit, Fits 10mm Head Studs, 16 Nuts and 16 Washers (Studs NOT INCLUDED) is used when your head studs are in decent shape, but your nuts and washers are lost or unusable. These have a 17mm hex on the outside, though a lot of guys use a 11/16" socket. This kit does NOT include the head studs themselves, just the nuts and washers.
Head Stud Nut and Washer Kit, Fits 8mm Head Studs, 16 Nuts and 16 Washers (Studs NOT INCLUDED)

Head Stud Nut and Washer Kit, Fits 8mm Head Studs, 16 Nuts and 16 Washers (Studs NOT INCLUDED) is used when your head studs are in decent shape, but your nuts and washers are lost or unusable. These have a 17mm hex on the outside, though a lot of guys use a 11/16" socket. This kit does NOT include the head studs themselves, just the nuts and washers.
Type 3 Case to Upright Dipstick Conversion Kit, 8932

This slick adapter will allow you to convert a Type 3 case (with no dipstick tube) into upright engine usage, without complex drilling of the engine case. This bolts to the Oil Fill hole in the case, and uses a Type 1 dipstick. This part is NOT used on Type 3s, since the stock aluminum fan shroud is completely in the way. This part is used to converting the type 3 case to a type 1 dipstick, when converting the Type 3 case to an upright application in a Beetle, Super Beetle, Karmann Ghia, Upright Engined Bus, or THING.
Big-Sert (Time-Sert) Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 20mm Long, 50153
Price: $9.00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies

Big-Sert (Time-Sert) Thread Repair Insert, 10 x 1.5 x 20mm Long, 50153 is the best thread repair kit available. This is typically used to repair cylinder head stud threads in engine cases, that have previously pulled a case-saver, the drilled hole is .484" (31/64"). Inserts are sold per EACH. Big-Sert is the over sized Time-Sert for repairs of repairs!
Oil Strainer, 1500-1600cc Engines, Fit 16mm (5/8") Pick Up Tube (Single Relief Engine Cases), EACH, 311-115-175A

Oil Strainer, 1500-1600cc Engines, Fit 16mm (5/8") Pick Up Tube (Single Relief Engine Cases), EACH, 311-115-175A should be periodically replaced. These don't need to be replaced EVERY oil change, but should be once every year or 2. They can be cleaned and re-used, if you use new gaskets at the time you do the work.
Billet Cam Plug, Grooved Cases

This Billet Aluminum Cam Plug has a Silicone O-ring around the OD of the plug to seal the cam plug area on VW Engine Cases with the groove in it, normally using the Metal Cam Plug.
Engine Lock Nut Kit, Type 1 Engines

This kit of Nylock Nuts (Nuts with a nylon insert, they are tough to put on and take off) will not vibrate loose!
Type 3 Oil Filler Block Off Plate, Billet Aluminum

This is a beautiful billet aluminum blockoff plate to cover up the oil filler hole in Volkswagen Type 3 cases, or "Universal Cases", when using them for upright cooling systems.
This block off has a hole spacing of ~50mm (1 15/16"), and does NOT fit Type 4 engines, only the Type 1/2/3 engine.
Crank Case Splitter for Oil Pump Hole, Fits All Engines

Crank Case Splitter for Oil Pump Hole, Fits All Engines, is used on engine cases that are really stuck together! Sometimes engine cases that are glued with Permatex Form-a-Gasket or Aviation, are glued SOLID. This will crack it loose so you can work! This works on all flat 4 VW and porsche engines. Simply place into the oil pump hole and turn the nut, expanding the arms to push them apart!
Oil Filler Nut Removal Tool, Economy

This tool is useful to remove/install the nut that holds the oil filler and breather tin onto the generator/alternator stand. This is our "Economy" version, which can strip if you have a stubborn Filler Nut. Our Deluxe Tool is bulletproof!
Chrome T1 Sump Plate, EACH

Chrome T1 Sump Plate, Each are nice to dress up an otherwise boring engine.
Fun Fact: this part was used as part of the "Arctic Package" from the factory (along with chrome valve covers), to help the engine get up to operating temperature faster! This is because chrome valve covers and drain plates will cause the engine to run slightly warmer.