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H4 HID (High Intensity Discharge) Conversion Kit, Complete High and Low Beams, 55 Watt, PAIR
H4 HID (High Intensity Discharge) Conversion Kit, Complete High and Low Beams, 55 Watt, PAIR
H4 HID (High Intensity Discharge) Conversion Kit, Complete High and Low Beams, PAIR will convert your Halogen H4s to a lighting source that is more reliable, 3X brighter, and draws up to 80% less current too! Keep your H4 housings, and just install this kit for a huge upgrade! Not long ago these kits were over $1k/pair!

While H4s are a tremendous upgrade over regular sealed beams, HID's are even more dramatic! This kit does NOT include the actual H4 housings, you need to already have those, or purchase them separately!

The only drawback we have found with HID lighting is that they generally take 15-20 seconds to get to full brightness after turning them on.

HID lights have a glass chamber of gas that replaces the filament in traditional light bulbs (Regular or Halogen). This gas is ignited with an approximately 23,000 volt charge and stays illuminated by a constant 12v source that is provided by the included ballast. They operate like a fluorescent bulb. While H4s are a tremendous upgrade over regular sealed beams, HID's are even more dramatic!

What is the HID Color Temperature? Color Temperature is a measurement in Degrees Kelvin that indicates the hue of a light source, in this case the HID bulb. Color temperature is a characteristic of light that is sometimes misunderstood as brightness, when it's more closely related to cool and warm color tones of light.

HID Color: Choose the color of the light you want when ordering. "Color" is the wavelength of the light emitted. Stock "Color" is 4300K,

It is difficult to describe HID colors accurately because different people tend to perceive colors slightly differently:

ACN's guide to Color Temperatures for HID bulbs is as follows:

3000K = Yellow

4300K = Bright White with a hint of yellow. This is THE most visible and usable light (especially when the road is wet!). ACN RECOMMENDS the 4300K, since it is THE BRIGHTEST COLOR in the HID Spectrum to the human eye, which is exactly why it's the frequency used for OEM applications (Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, etc).

5000K - For those that want the best of both 4300K and 6000K, choose 5000K!

6000K = Pure white light (some people detect a slight blue). From outside the car, this is the prettiest and best looking light, but it does have less usable light for the car's driver. Note that even though 6000K is not as "bright" as the 4300K, 6000K is still far brighter than your lights were with regular halogen bulbs in the H4s!

8000K = White light with a blue tinge

10000K = Light blue

12000K = Deeper Blue

30000K = Violet/Purple.

At ACN we only sell the 4300K, 5000K, and 6000K frequencies for the HID Kits. Higher frequencies like Pink, Purple, Green, etc make you look like a poser. Other frequencies are usually selected to give the car's light a little flavor to the driver's personal taste, and image for the car. We have personally tried many different HID frequencies prior to carrying these in our store. We noted that in our testing the 6000K reflects off of wet roads much more than 4300K does, so you see the road a LOT better with 4300K than 6000K. 4300K = more usable light!

Power Usage; Remarkably, HID lights are able to provide greater light output with much lower power consumption than Halogen Lighting. Studies show that a 35 watt HID lamp produces 3X as much light as a 55 watt halogen bulb! Moreover, the 55 watt halogen bulb uses a continuous power draw of 10-15 amps, while the HID system uses 20 amps for starting up, but then drops down to a mere 3 amps after it's fully warmed up, which takes 15-20 seconds. That is up to 80% less power!

Here at ACT we carry 3 levels of lights.

  1. H4s with Halogen Bulbs (Good; Nice upgrade)
  2. H4s with LED's (Better; Super easy installation, most expensive)
  3. H4s with HID (High Intensity Discharge) (Best: Inexpensive, light color choices, but 2 hour installation)
The stock headlights had a combined bulb and housing. When the bulb burned out, you had to replace both. You can get those lights at any FLAPS, which is why we don't bother carrying them.

The H4 Housing is an upgrade because when the bulb burns out, you keep the housing and replace just the bulb. H4 is a bulb "Style", in that it's a combined bulb and housing. H4s have a vastly superior quality on the glass and reflector than the throwaway incandescent bulbs at the FLAPS.

For lighting, the stock bulb is around 35W. Most H4 Halogens use a 50 or 55W bulb, and are almost 2x as bright as the stock 35W. HID and LEDs are a LOT more efficient than either stock or Halogen, so a 30W LED or HID is about 3x brighter than stock. Both HID and LED will draw a LOT less electrical current (power draw), despite having a lot more light.

Most of you are asking yourself at this point, "If I want a headlight upgrade, which is right for me?".

Here are our recommendations!

If you are poor yet want better lights, get Halogen H4s. This is still a huge upgrade over stock, with about 2x the light output.

HID's are fantastic, but there is a bit of electrical and mechanical work to complete the conversion. HID's offer the best lighting, are relatively cheap, but they do take a couple hours to complete the conversion; ie: running new wires, a little drilling, etc. The second thing to know about HIDs is that they take 30 seconds to "warm up". We have not found this to be an issue at all, just be aware of it. HID's also have several options for "Color", which is not the case for Halogen nor LED.

LED's are the way to go if you want better lighting, but don't feel comfortable with a "conversion". With LED's it's as easy as changing a headlight! You can do both headlights in 15 minutes. Furthermore, LEDs are "instant on", with no warm up required! But LED's cost the most of the 3 H4 options out there.

Note that with the LEDs and HIDs, the housing must be purchased in addition to the kit.

The only other thing you need to be aware of is that with any headlight conversion you'll need to re-align your headlights for proper aiming when you are finished, for the safety of yourself and the cars approaching you.
Price: $79.95

: H4-HID-KIT-35W

Light Output Color:

H4 HID (High Intensity Discharge) Conversion Kit, Complete High and Low Beams, 35 Watt, PAIR will convert your Halogen H4s to a lighting source that is more reliable, 3X brighter, and draws up to 80% less current too! Keep your H4 housings, and just install this kit for a huge upgrade! Not long ago these kits were over $1k/pair!

While H4s are a tremendous upgrade over regular sealed beams, HID's are even more dramatic! This kit does NOT include the actual H4 housings, you need to already have those, or purchase them separately!

Here at ACN we carry 3 levels of lights.

  1. H4s with Halogen Bulbs (Good; Nice upgrade)
  2. H4s with LED's (Better; Super easy installation, most expensive)
  3. H4s with HID (High Intensity Discharge) (Best: Inexpensive, light color choices, but 2 hour installation)
Item Features
Aluminium carry-case with interior padding (great for repurposing for the garage after installation)

Pair of H4 Bi-Xenon super-bright performance HID xenon bulbs with relay harness

100% weather-proof, shock-proof, water-proof universal high-performance premium ballasts

Mounting brackets

Installation instructions

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